Good materials support learning

Note: some text is obscured in these images to protect the intellectual property of the author. Also the actual sheets are fillable on computer; these are just flat images.
The Client
Els Courtney is a coach helping women entrepreneurs level up in their lives and brilliance. She provides direct coaching as well as courses.
The Brief
Els has developed her branding over the past year and wanted her new course materials to reflect this. They are also designed to ease her students’ engagement with the material. If they want to print them, they have lots of space for scribbling notes. If they prefer to work on the computer, they can type directly into the worksheets on the laptops or tablets.
The Process
- Read the course material
- Collect existing brand assets and create some patterns to complement them.
- Layout content, analysing the need for space for different activities.
- Create graphics for charts needed throughout.
- Convert finished designs into interactive pdfs, ensuring fonts match.